Em 13 de julho de 1985, Bob Geldof organizou o Live Aid,
um show simultâneo em Londres na Inglaterra e na Filadélfia nos
Estados Unidos. O objetivo principal era o fim da fome na Etiópia e
contou com a presença de artistas como The Who, Status Quo, Led
Zeppelin, Dire Straits, Madonna, Queen, Joan Baez, David Bowie,
BB King, Mick Jagger, Sting, Scorpions, U2, Paul McCartney,
Eric Clapton, Phil Collins (que tocou nos dois lugares), e Black Sabbath.
Foi transmitido ao vivo pela BBC para diversos países e abriu os olhos
do mundo para a miséria no continente africano. 20 anos depois, em
2005, Bob Geldof organizou o Live 8 como uma nova edição, com
estrutura maior e shows em mais países com o objetivo de pressionar
os líderes do G8 para perdoar a dívida externa dos países mais pobres
erradicar a miséria do mundo. Desde então, o dia 13 de julho passou a
ser conhecido como Dia Mundial do Rock.
Pra comemorar... nada melhor que rock!!!

AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long (youtube)
She was a fast machine she kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman that I ever seen
She was the best damn woman that I ever seen
She had the sightless eyes telling me no lies
Knocking me out with those American thighs
Taking more than her share
Had me fighting for air
She told me to come but I was already there
'Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it love
And you shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me all night long
Working double time on the seduction line
She's one of a kind she's just mine all mine
Wanted no applause it's just another course
Made a meal outta me
And come back for more
Had to cool me down to take another round
Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing
'Cause the walls were shaking the earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it love
And you shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me all night long
It knocked me out I said you
Shook me all night long
You had me shaking and you
Shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me
When you took me
You really took me and you
Shook me all night long
Ah, you shook me all night long
Yeah yeah you shook me all night long
You really got me and you
Shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me
Yeah you shook me
All night long...
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